

If there's anything I like as much as books, it's Disney. I touched on that fact in my review of A Whole New World, but really Disney movies are my very most favorite in the entire world! So when I saw Kat from Katytastic on Booktube do a Disney book tag, I got ridiculously excited to do it myself! I'm sure this will be the first of many Disney-related posts, as well as book tags.

Firstly: The Little Mermaid
 - a character who is out of their element, a "fish out of water" -
Percy from both Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus. Poor kid is just living his life, going to school, struggling with homework, and out of the blue he's attacked by monsters and finds out he's not just a human. I mean, wow, what a bombshell. 

Secondly: Cinderella
 - a character who goes through a major transformation - 
Cress from the Lunar Chronicles. When we met Cress for the first time, she is an unbelievably timid girl, very much a damsel in distress type. By the end of the last book, she is living up even past her potential and does some incredible things to help her friends.

Thirdly: Snow White
 - a book with an eclectic cast of characters-
The Improbable Theory of Ana and Zac by [AUTHOR HERE]. This book isn't talked about much, but there are so SO many weird and awkward and unique and crazy characters thrown into just one story that you can't help but be entertained.

Fourthly: Sleeping Beauty

 - a book that put you to sleep -
The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this book to some degree... But it definitely lulled me to sleep on more than one occasion. It's very dense and hard to get into, so I found myself drifting off.

Fifthly: The Lion King 
 - a character that had something traumatic happen to them in their childhood -
Clary from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Even though Clary doesn't learn of this occurrence until later, the immense secret and spells performed on her were traumatic to discover after the fact.

Sixthly: Beauty and the Beast

 - a beast of a book (a big book) that you were intimidated by, but found the story to be beautiful - 
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Once upon a time, I decided I wanted to read a classic romance for fun and I figured this would be an okay place to start. Then I would put it off and choose to do things other than read it because it was so huge and dense and I thought I'd never get through it. But it's now my favorite classic of all time and I've read it more than once!

Seventhly: Aladdin
 - a character that gets his or her wish granted, for better or for worse -
Kyle from Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library. In this middle grade book, Kyle tries his hardest to win a ticket to the new library opening in his town because he wants to play the video games, but doesn't care at all for the books. When he gets his chance, he ends up learning a lot and his wish to visit the library was granted for the better.

Eighthly: Mulan
 - a character who pretends to be someone or something they are not -
Finn from Loop by Karen Atkins. When Finn accidentally gets taken from the past into the future, he has to pretend a lot of things: that he belongs there, that he is fro, this century, and that he isn't in love. And he does it so badly in such a fantastic way.

Ninthly: Toy Story
 - a book with characters you wish would come to life -
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. I read this book and fell instantly in love with the Garrett family!! It would be awesome if they came to life...and were my next door neighbors!
Honorable mention: Harry Potter (OBVIOUSLY).

Lastly: Disney Descendants
 - your favorite villain of morally ambiguous character -
Sebastian from The Mortal Instruments. Y'all, this guy is so good at being bad and making you think he could be good. And then he shatters your heart into ten trillion pieces of sad. It's ridiculous. He is without a doubt my favorite villain.

And that was the Disney book tag! Let me know if you agree or disagree with my choices and who your favorite villain is!

Happy reading!