
REVIEW: Dream A Little Dream by Kerstin Gier

Let me tell you a thing: I loved SO VERY EXCEEDINGLY MUCH The Ruby Red trilogy by Kerstin Gier. Oh my goodness the time travel and the fantasy and the characters. I can't. So I went into this new book by her with a whole lot of expectations... that were sadly and dramatically let down. Dang it. Let me tell you about it.

The Short Story:

If you like books about dreams and the mind and super dark things, this book is up your alley. Think lots of mind games and a blurred line between waking and sleeping. And some creep factor. Also, since some people are turned off by this in YA, the main character is quite young and acts it. I think if this book sounds interesting to you, give it a try! But it wasn't my cup of tea. Too much creep, too much awkward.

The Long Story:

Liv and her sister, Mia, have just been uprooted from their temporary home once again because their mother met a new man... again. So they're a little bitter about attending another new school with the same issues that every school has. With one exception: a few of the students seem to be dabbling in things they shouldn't and they really want to get close to Liv. Liv stars seeing and meeting these people in her dreams and inexplicably they can all remember what happened in that dream the next day at school.
So. Liv is ridiculous and I can't deal with her. There is a whole lot of freaky stuff going on in this book and I could hardly believe how dumb she was being by seeking out these things and these people who were CLEARLY trouble from the start. UGH. She made me crazy.
Also, the romance in this book was the most insane trip I've ever read. I normally am fine with insta-love, when it's done well! This romance was not. It came out of nowhere and was fairly awkward to read (in my opinion) and I wasn't even rooting for them. That was the biggest problem: I didn't care if they ended up together or not because for half the book I had been given no real clues to lead to that end! It was odd.
The creep factor in this book was TOO DARN HIGH for me because I'm a total wuss. But it made me like the book significantly less because I was expecting a bit more light and fluffy and less scary and hellish.
I enjoyed the dream element because it was super unique and something I'd never read about before. The way Gier constructed the world of dreams and dreaming and how it all worked was so cool and I liked that a lot! But that was just about the only upside for this book.
Overall, if you're a fan of dreams, creepy books, and don't mind a naive main character, give it a try. I'm sure there are people who would like this book, I'm just not one of them.

2/5 stars.

Happy reading!