
REVIEW: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

ASDFGHJKLPOIUYTREWQZXCVBNM. Incoherent babbling due to overwhelming amounts of excitement.

Let's try again.


The Short Story:

If you read the Harry Potter series at any point in your life and still have a great and sincere love for it, PLEASE. READ. THIS. BOOK. If you haven't read Harry Potter, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK. Spoilers out the wazoo. Yes, it is slightly odd to read as a script, but if you really love the series, it shouldn't hinder your love for this book!

The Long Story:

This story picks up precisely where the epilogue of Deathly Hallows ends: Albus Severus Potter's first year at Hogwarts! And the shenanigans start immediately. Albus forms and unlikely (or seemingly unlikely) friendship with Scorpius Malfoy, who lives a difficult life. Fortunately for both Albus, he can relate to having a famous father and how it feels to live in the shadow of what that father did in his own life. I can't give more plot details without spoiling, I think, but these boys embark on a fully ridiculous adventure and it is so fun to follow.
Albus and Scorpius' friendship is one of my favorite things of all time!! They are so fantastic together, and hilarious and supportive. Scorpius cracks me up and Albus is the perfect balance to Scorpius' geekiness.
I loved seeing Harry, Ron, and Hermione in their new roles (EEEP) as adults in the wizarding world! Seeing their jobs and family life and married life, oh boy, so satisfying. And not just them, but other characters from way back in the good ole days returned in awesome ways! Holy guacamole, I got so excited every time we met another character.
Some people are saying they saw the plot twist coming, but wow, I don't know how, because that twist hit me like a fastball to the face! I had to read that section a few times before I realized it actually happened and that really was the right thing. Sheesh.
The writing was so great for this, especially with it being a script book. There were just enough cues and descriptions to fill in the blanks where the dialogue couldn't go. For the most part, it was easy to get a visual because we've had eight movies and seven books to get a picture in our head of these settings and characters! And then we have enough experience with the world that the action and new characters come to life in our minds fairly easily. At least that is how it worked for me.
I highly recommend reading this. If you're feeling nervous because it is a script or because you aren't sure it can live up to your expectations, give it a try anyway. If nothing else, it is a new story in the Harry Potter world! I really think you'll like it :)

6/5 stars. Yes, I know what I typed. That extra star is for nostalgia.

Happy reading!


REVIEW: The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

It is hot. It is humid. And it is the most summery of summer weather, which means stay inside or in the shade and read for hours and hours... and hours.
So when the world is trying to melt me, I do just that! While I'm not a "seasonal reader," I looked at The Unexpected Everything and I was like YES SUMMER YES.
And you guys, it did not disappoint AT ALL! This book is summer in a book, perfect and fantastic and all the things yes.

The Short Story:

If you like stories about being spontaneous and finding yourself and REAL friendships, (and dogs), read this book. The dogs were some of my favorite characters, the romance is very well done (albeit a smidgen insta-lovey), and the growth in all of the characters is great. This is truly the quintessential summer novel. Please read!

The Long Story:

Andi is the daughter of a now-infamous politician, and scandal has turned her world (and plans and summer and life) upside down. As a type A person and a constant planner, Andi couldn't be more thrown by being forced to change her summer plans at the last second. And she definitely could not have guessed she would become a dog walker. Or meet a dorky boy. Or have to hide secrets from friends and family. Or anything else that happens in her summer, but the craziness might just be what she needed all along.
Andi is such a relatable character for a lot of people, especially in high school, who are always on the lookout for ways to better their resume or look more impressive to universities. Morgan Matson lets you see every bit of Andi and her motivations and fears and goals. This makes you really want to keep reading just to get to know Andi better.
I love the relationships in this book (except to a point, which you'll probably understand when (yes I said when and not if) you read it)!! Family relationships and friendships and romantic relationships. THEY MAKE ME SMILE! This book has so many genuine characters and their relationships with one another are so enjoyable to read about.
I'll be honest and say I saw the plot twist (is it a plot twist? the surprise? sure..) coming a mile away. But that didn't affect my reading the book; it just made me want to read more and more. I thought the author wrote this conflict very well and in a way that seemed accurate to real life.
My favorite part: the romance. So. It was unbelievably amazing for me! If you like sugary sweetness, this might not be your favorite romance. But if you like hilarity and a couple just having the best time together, this is a great one!
Again, the dogs. THE. DOGS. Bertie. ASDFGHJKL. I loved how much attention was given to the dogs because it made them into important characters! I have two dogs and reading about how the dogs were acting made me laugh because I knew exactly how dogs are.
Overall, this book was funny and clever and sweet and sad and emotional and relatable and REAL. Highly recommend!

5/5 stars, no doubt.

Happy reading!