
REVIEW: Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy by Cassandra Clare & Sarah Rees Brennan

Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy

I'm going to tell you guys a story. I started on the Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices last year and finished them this year, about a month before Lady Midnight was released. In that month, I heard about the Shadowhunter Academy novellas and figured I didn't need to read them, so I wouldn't. Then I heard it would set up the Dark Artifices in some ways... and I thought "okay, fine, I'll at least give them a try." And guys, I've only read the first novella, Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy, and I know for certain I will finish the collection. Yes, I'm a convert. I'll admit it proudly. I flew through the novella and I can't wait for my library to let me check out the next ebook (The Lost Herondale, if you're curious). This review will be short because, well, it's one novella and there are spoilers!

WARNING: this novella collection is basically entirely a spoiler for TMI. So. If you haven't finished it, please come back later!

The Short Story:

If you like Simon Lewis as a character in TMI, you're going to like this. Period. His personality and humor is to die for and the setting of this collection is something very unique to the Shadowhunter world. Please give it a try if you're on the fence!

The Long Story:

This novella collection is about Simon Lewis and his journey to become a Shadowhunter after all the events of TMI. He is in such an awkward situation because he has few memories of all his friends (Clary, Jace, Alec, ISABELLE) but knows, from their telling him, that he should have many, many more memories than that. So when he gets the opportunity to be in the first group of both mundanes and young Shadowhunters to attend the newly re-opened Shadowhunter Academy, he jumps at the chance to get away from everyone. But, as one can imagine with a Cassandra Clare book, things get much more complicated than that!
I loved this novella; it had been months since I was in a Shadowhunter world and this was like a cookie for a hungry person: pretty small, but delicious enough to satisfy the craving for now.
I was worried about the writing and the world since there is a second author of these novellas, but I noticed no difference with the addition of Sarah Rees Brennan. The characters are still their expertly-crafted selves and the world only grew greater.
Simon is perfect, as always, and I'd never change a thing about him. Period. End of discussion. :)
The one complaint I would have is that it was so short.. but it is a novella and there are more for me to read ASAP.
I highly recommend you read this collection if you like the TMI and TID series and need more in your life!

5/5 stars.

Have you read these novellas? What do you think? Also, who's your favorite TMI or TID character?

Happy reading!

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