
REVIEW: TheStickerAlley Bookmarks!

Perhaps this title was a little bit misleading... sorry about that. This is a review, definitely, BUT not of a book! I recently placed an order from The Sticker Alley shop on Etsy and she makes bookmarks and stickers and such. I had been following her for quite awhile on Instagram (p.s. I'm @the.storied.shelf on Instagram) and drooling over her adorable designs, so when I saw she was having a SALE (boy, oh boy, is that a word that draws me in instantly) I absolutely had to buy something. 

And when they appeared in my mailbox, I squealed a little and jumped around in a totally awkward fashion. 


I ordered her "4 random princesses" package with a note asking if she could try to include Belle (as she is my very favorite) and she did and I was so happy!! I also got Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Pocahontas, and Snow White in my random four and I love each of them!

I also ordered a "pick your own mini" and I chose her BB-8 bookmark. Fun fact about me: I'm obsessed with BB-8. Another fun fact about me: I've never seen a single Star Wars movie in my life, but I plan to. 

So these are her mini bookmarks and I chose the mini size because I've found when magnetic bookmarks are larger, they feel too heavy on the pages. I really like the size and weight of these bookmarks because they're very light and small but not so tiny that you lose them. 

The designs are PERFECT. I wouldn't change a thing. The little smiling faces on the princesses are adorable and their dresses are super accurate and gorgeous. The colors are splendid and bright and true to reality on both BB-8 and the princesses. They're all a little "sketchy"-style and that is something I LOVE in cartoon designs.

The only downside on these bookmarks is the quality of the paper. These are basically just paper, anything you'd have in your printer at home. It's easy to rip and therefore these bookmarks are quite delicate. This bugs me just a little because I like them so much and I'm afraid I'll break them by using them. But maybe I'm just a little too rough with my bookmarks...

On the very bright side, this sale I mentioned earlier? She was getting rid of stock using this paper quality so she could fill her shop with her new paper!!! I'm sure it is a vast improvement and I'd love to get my hands on some of the new ones so I can compare. 

Overall, I really love these bookmarks and I'd say they are worth a try if you like magnetic bookmarks and are okay with them maybe being slightly less durable (though I cannot speak for the new ones, which will presumably be more durable) and therefore a more affordable option. Check out https://www.etsy.com/shop/TheStickerAlley :)

4/5 stars.

Happy reading!

(This post is not sponsored. I purchased all products with my own funds and without prompting from the shop. All opinions are my own.)

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