
25 BOOKISH Facts About Me!

Hi there! You must be new here... because I'm new here. :) My name is Megan and I stinkin' love books. My collection is growing like crazy (in related news, my bank account is dwindling) and I want to share my adventures on and off pages with y'all. 

I'm a big fan (read: I-do-almost-nothing-else-but-watch) of BookTube and awhile back a tag went around of 25 Bookish Facts about yourself. I thought there was no better way to introduce myself than a rapid-fire fun fact post!

Let's do this.

  1. I prefer reading paperbacks but looking at hardcovers. They're just gorgeous.
  2. I like the look of a well-loved paperback more than a well-loved hardback.
  3. I say I drink tea while I read... but really I drink about three sips and then it goes cold while I'm lost in my story.
  4. My favourite series of all time is Harry Potter. No kidding, right? I'm sure that came as a shock. Me and 80% of the planet...or galaxy.
  5. I prefer to read YA books, but I enjoy a good middle-grade friendship story as much as any seventh grader.
  6. I collect children's books as well as YA and middle grade because I want to have a library for my future family.
  7. I never dog ear pages. I used to (shame on me, I know) but now I use bookmarks. I'll probably do a bookmark collection post sometime. I have a few.
  8. I don't feel the need to only buy pristine condition books - I have no problem owning bent or scratched books. Hurting the cover cannot hurt the story!
  9. I check out a lot of the books I read from the library.
  10. 90% of the time, I will only buy a book for my collection if I have already read it and LOVED it.
  11. I cannot read in a moving vehicle.
  12. I CAN, however, read while lying down without falling asleep. Can I consider this my superpower? I think yes.
  13. I have a Bookstagram account! Shameless plug: the.storied.shelf on Instagram.
  14. I have bought many a book solely based on the cover. What can I say? I have a weakness. Calligraphy and colors and metallics = my kryptonite.
  15. My book collection is currently at 173(ish) books. Yeesh.
  16. I don't eat when I read because I will get crumbs in the pages and I do not need that in my life.
  17. I'm in the process of collecting every edition of two series: Harry Potter (again, duh) and Anne of Green Gables. I just love them. I need more to love.
  18. I am in the middle of approximately 1,296 series (perhaps an exaggeration...perhaps not) right now and, yes, it drives me bonkers.
  19. I've never met a famous author but BOY, what I wouldn't give to be at YallWest (which is happening rightthisminute... sob) or BookCon this year.
  20. I mostly read at night, but I also try to carry a book with me everywhere so I can read any time. Just call me Rory Gilmore (really, I'd love that, she embodies #readinggoals).
  21. I am not a seasonal reader. That is to say, I don't prefer a certain genre during a certain season; I just read all the books all the time. YAY!
  22. I have a few authors that I will automatically read/buy a book from without thinking twice: Huntley Fitzpatrick, Kiera Cass, Jennifer E. Smith, and Sandy Hall. The list grows all the time.
  23. I like Nicholas Sparks books. Like, a lot. Feel free to tell me they're cheesy and awful and ridiculous because it still won't stop me.
  24. I do not read ebooks. Not that I'm saying I never will... but I don't right now. I do listen to audiobooks though because I drive A LOT. And they're great.
  25. I plan to write a book. Someday. Hopefully soon. Wish me luck.
AND that is 25. Let me catch my breath because that was a lot of things. But hey, now you know me a little better! 

I'd love to know you better, too! Comment below with a bookish fact or two about you! Anything on my list you agree with? Disagree with? Let me know! We can talk about books and stuff.

Til next time, happy reading!

P.S. Here are a few awesome Booktubers who did this tag: Reagan, Sasha, and Jesse :)

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