
REVIEW: The Crown by Kiera Cass

This shall, without a doubt, be one of the most emotional book reviews I ever write. The Selection series has come to a spectacular, fireworks-display of an ending, and I don't know what to do with myself. I spontaneously picked up the first book when it had just come out and I was so hooked. I read the next one, and the next one, and thought it was over. And then it wasn't. And I was so happy. This series is addictive in the most fantastic way. Let's just get into this finale because boy oh boy was it a good one.

The Short Story:

I obviously cannot give too many details because spoilers are too easy to give away in the case of a final book, but I can say I never knew where the story would go until it got there, I laughed out loud, I cried actual tears, and I swooned HARD. I don't care what people think of Eadlyn as a character, I think she got everything she deserved. Long live the Schreaves!

The Long Story:

Let me take a breath here. 
I waited a year for this book, pining over these characters and waiting, needing, to know what became of them (especially due to the CLIFFHANGER OF THE CENTURY in The Heir, sheesh) and when this book finally was in my hands, it was everything I wanted. Kiera Cass never once let me believe I had figured out the ending of this book. Never once! Every time I thought I had a wavering guess, she shot it down quicker than I could think it. And that quality in a book makes me keep reading and keep loving it. She creates characters that make you want to love them... or throttle them, whichever it appropriate at the time. Overall, Kiera made a world I could have stayed in forever. 
I was happy with the ending. Happy is actually not a strong enough word. I kicked my legs and squealed and laughed and cried and LOVED EVERY WORD. I know some people question the way the story and the relationships went, but I think it had to go this way and I'm so glad it did. Everything wrapped up in such an amazing and heart-wrenching way, but everything really did wrap up. I feel no loose ends, no questions, just closure. 

Kiera Cass, thank you for giving us Selection fans everything America and Eadlyn needed. We wish we could have Maxon, America, Eadlyn, Marlee, Erik, Brice, May, Aspen, and all their friends in our heads forever like you will. 

5/5 stars. No, 6/5 stars.

Now I need to add a spoilery section because I can't NOT for this book. Please stop scrolling now if you haven't read The Crown and plan to.

Really. Please come back later :) Happy reading!

I am so over-the-moon happy Eadlyn chose Erik, er, Eikko. When I was reading The Heir, I considered this as a possible ending but thought it would be too predictable of a plot twist. I thought it was Kile. I wanted it to be Henri because he's cute like a baby duck. Then I thought Hale (AND BOY WAS I WRONG ABOUT THAT GUY). Then Marid appeared and I stopped in my tracks (once again, WRONG WRONG WRONG). I never thought it was Ean and I was so glad when his story took another turn. Eadlyn and Erik is so right. They balance each other, but they also challenge and complete each other. I loved Eadlyn's moment with her dad in those last seven minutes at the end of the book, where she drops all pretense of being a queen and asks her dad for help in this matter of the heart...and politics. I just loved it. Eadlyn made all the right choices and I'm ecstatic at the end of this epic story. Feel free to discuss in the comments, I'd love to chat with you about it!!

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