
Top 3 Series I NEED To Read

Tell me I'm not alone in this: I am in the middle of approximately one bazillion book series, so I won't let myself start any new ones until I finish some of those. Just me? Oh, okay.
Well, this situation causes problems when I see people reading these books that look SO GOLLY GOSH DARN GOOD and I won't let myself read them because I haven't finished enough of the other series yet! So today I'm going to rank a few of these series I want to read eventually...because maybe it'll help motivate me to chip away at my epic TBR (and that's a post for another day).
So let's go!

3. The Raven Cycle
Ever since The Raven King came out earlier this month, EVERYONE has been reading and raving about this series and it's killing me. I already own the first book. So I could read it. But I haven't because I'm ridiculous and apparently don't want myself to read fun things. *sigh* anywho, this book has an odd synopsis...and that makes me want to read it even more! It's about the daughter of psychics and these mysterious boys from a local school and together they go on some kind of crazy adventure to discover something awesome and they have fun doing it. Somehow, only knowing this much about an entire series REALLY makes me want to read it. Magic + adventure = my kind of story.

2. Falling Kingdoms
I need to read this series. I have no excuse. I know with a weird total certainty that I will love the heck out of this series, and yet I haven't even started it. What is wrong with me?? Ah, well. I'll get there. This one I really know little about, but I know enough to know I'm going to be obsessed: this is a multiple-perspective fantasy series about kingdoms and adventure (there I go again with the adventures...) and love and friendship and all sorts of drama and action. I'm so ridiculously excited to read these books because I've never heard a bad thought about them. They're going to be amazing, I'm absolutely positive.

3. Throne of Glass
I know, I know... I can hear the gasps of unbelief from here. I haven't read a single page of any book by Sarah J. Maas and I scold myself every day because of it! I own Throne of Glass, in the gorgeous white UK cover, no less! And I haven't read it. This is the series I'm most excited to pick up as soon as bookishly possible, which I mentioned on my Instagram (@the.storied.shelf) on Saturday. I actually know a little more about this series! This is about an assassin who is given the opportunity to get out of prison on one condition: she has to compete in a to-the-death tournament against the most dangerous people in the land. And all kinds of fantastic shenanigans ensue from there! Must read. The more I talk about it, the more I want to read this series. Need it in my life.

So those are my top 3 series I haven't read but MUST as soon as I can.

What series are you dying to read?? I'm always on the hunt for more recommendations (even though my TBR pile/list is unbelievable already... Who cares!) :)

Happy reading!

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